Caramelized Onion Mashed Potatoes

Caramelized Onion Mashed Potatoes

These are the potatoes you make when you don't want to make gravy. They stand up on all on their own...beautifully rich, creamy and incredibly decadent.  Make these! You wont regret a single bite!

Ingredients for Onions:

3 yellow onions, halved and sliced

3 Tbs unsalted butter

1 Tbs olive oil

Ingredients for Mashed Potatoes:

5 lbs potatoes

1 1/2 cups of melted butter

1/3 cup of cream

1/2 Tbs Salt



Directions for Caramelized onions:

1) Melt butter and heat Olive oil over medium low heat; Add onions to melted butter.

2) Cook, stirring occasionally, making sure onions don't burn. Cook until a beautiful golden brown, turn down the heat if you notice any onions getting crispy... cooking slow and low is the only way.... about 30+ minutes

Directions for the Potatoes:

1) Peel and rinse potatoes, cut them into uniform pieces so they will all get done at the same time.

2) In a large pot, cover the potatoes with water; add about two Tbs of salt to your water. Bring to a boil and boil the potatoes until they are tender. About 45 min. 

3) Drain Potatoes and place them in a large bowl...At this point you can choose to mash them any way you please. I like to use a potato ricer, I think it makes for the creamiest potatoes. but you can use a mixer or a masher. Add the butter, cream, salt and pepper to your mashed potatoes

4) stir in your caramelized onions. You can serve immediately or dollop with a bit more butter and place in a warm oven until ready to serve.