Roasted Carrots w/ Horseradish Créme

Roasted Carrots w/ Horseradish Créme

3 cheers for horseradish! This veggie dish has the perfect balance between sweet and spicy. It looks impressive, but is pretty easy to throw together. Another plus, it's as tasty at room temperature as it is hot...perfect for a dinner party.


1 1/2 lbs rainbow or orange Carrots (halved lengthwise)

1 1/2 Tbs fresh rosemary (chopped)

1 1/2 Tbs melted salted butter 

1/3 cup créme fraiche

1 tsp prepared horseradish

1/2 tsp honey

pinch of salt

1/4 cup dried breadcrumbs 

1/4 tsp prepared horseradish

1 Tbs butter 


preheat oven to 475 (roast if your oven has that option) 

1) On a large baking sheet drizzle carrots with melted butter and chopped rosemary. Roast until tender and hopefully caramelized a bit.... about 15 min. 

2) While carrots are roasting make the horseradish cream. Mix créme fraiche, 1 tsp horseradish, honey, and salt. set aside.

3) To make the breadcrumbs ...melt 1 Tbs butter in a skillet over medium heat, add horseradish mix into the butter and then add breadcrumbs. Sauté until golden.

4) To assemble, drizzle créme on the bottom of your serving carrots on top of créme if the carrots are really hot the créme will melt...which is fine, but if you don't want that to happen let the carrots cool for a minute before placing them on top of the créme. 

5) Sprinkle breadcrumbs across the top of the carrots.... Enjoy!